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Back Pain Treatment in Pune | Spine Specialist in Pune | Dr.Anand Kavi




Back Pain Treatment in Pune | Spine Specialist in Pune | Dr.Anand Kavi

Back pain and Sciatica is a very common problem, it is almost next common to common cold. It is said that more than 70% population worldwide will suffer from debilitating lower back pain and leg pain ( Sciatica ) atlas once in life time. In most patients this pain is  short-lived and can be managed by medication and short period of rest, but in some it is excruciating and debilitating. In severe cases the spinal nerves are swollen and inflamed and may get compressed giving rise to numbness and weakness in the legs, this can affect the mobility and routine life.


Our Spinal column is made of series of spinal bones and forms the protective tube for passage of Spinal cord and nerves. These spinal bones are separated by intervertebral discs, which act like cushions or shock absorbing pads. When these discs get ruptured the jelly like nucleus escapes from them and touches the Spinal nerves, giving rise to excruciating pain in the back and radiating in the legs along the nerve. This pain may be associated with numbness or weakness in the legs.


Out of fear that a spine surgeon will recommend surgery and fear of spine surgery, a majority of patients prefer self medication, yoga, physiotherapy and other treatments and often land up in severe back problems requiring emergency attention and many patients come late when permanent damage is done to the nerves

We do a detail examination of the patient and search for the source of pain, identify the pain generators, we try to find why is the pain persisting, can we avoid surgery and how, if surgery is required what is the safest alternative. You always retain the right of exercising your choice of surgical / non – surgical treatment.

After detailed evaluation and MRI scans we plan the treatment. Depending on severity of the problem it is treated with medication , rest and exercises in milder cases. Nerve injections or Spinal injections for moderate pain and very few patients not responding to conservative treatment or with structural change need Stitch – less Endoscopic Procedure under Local Anaesthesia


Revolutionising Spine surgery it is now a day care procedure, It is done from the side by passing the Endoscope in the affected disc by dilating the muscles and tissues, this approach preserves the natural structure and stability of the spine, as cutting of muscles and bone structure is totally avoided.


Endoscope provides excellent visualisation making it possible to remove the extruded, prolapsed or herniated part of the disc selectively and prevents  severe collapse and instability and Fusion with screws and rods can be avoided.

Lasers and Radio-frequency devices are used to ablate or shrink the hard tissue and bony overgrowth compressing the nerves, it allows to reach otherwise inaccessible areas without cutting the bones, as in conventional surgeries.

Surgery under Local Anaesthesia in awake and aware patient :

Biggest advantage of this technique is it is done in Local anaesthesia in awake patient, who can give valuable feedback about the pain, making it very safe and pain generating tissue can be targeted precisely avoiding the critical areas of spine, which is otherwise not possible in Spinal surgeries done under complete or even spinal anaesthesia.

Thus it is safe even in elderly patients with conditions such as Diabetes, Hypertension, Cardiac or Respiratory problems and over weight patients, who are otherwise bad candidates for Surgery.


As it is stitch – less and done under local anaesthesia, pain relief is significant and rapid and it is possible for many patients to walk home the same day, depending on their fitness.

This avoids ICU monitoring and long hospital stays, No urinary catheters, no long term injections of higher antibiotics. It does not even require follow up dressings and all this makes it cost effective and affordable.


As it is stitch – less and done under local anaesthesia, pain relief is significant and rapid and it is possible for many patients to walk home the same day, depending on their fitness.

This avoids ICU monitoring and long hospital stays, No urinary catheters, no long term injections of higher antibiotics. It does not even require follow up dressings and all this makes it cost effective and affordable.

  • If you are suffering from Back pain or pain radiating down your leg.
  • Pain in the Thighs, pain in the knees.
  • Difficulty sitting crossed legged or required to straighten the legs.
  • Heel pain and difficulty getting out of bed in the morning.
  • Leg or calf pain that disturbs the sleep or cramps in the legs.
  • Disturbed sleep due to back pain on changing sides.
  • Not tolerating cold temperatures or sleeping under the Fan.
  • Cramping and pain in legs on standing or walking.
  • Numbness or tingling sensation, burning of soles.
  • Weakness in the legs or foot and toes, foot wear slipping out.
  • Urinary and Bowel problems.
  • If you have done MRI or have taken Spinal or epidural injection
  • If you already require a spinal surgery.
  • If you have Disc prolapse.

Get yourself evaluated for precise diagnosis and treatment to prevent major damage.

The stitch – less Endoscopic procedure can be done for all types of Disc degenerations, herniations, bulges, protrusions, extrusions, Foraminal – stenosis.

It can also be done in patients who have already undergone Spinal surgery but have no relief.


Recently one Indian software engineer working in US suffered from a massive Slip disc with excruciating back and leg pain and numbness and weakness in the legs, he was advised a spinal surgery with fusion with cage and screws and rods by the US surgeon and was explained all the risks involved in the procedure, he was terrified but luckily for him he was advised to consult Dr. Anand Kavi who is a specialist in endoscopic spine procedures in India. He took the daring decision of travelling back to India against the advice of US surgeons. He was examined in detail and underwent the Stitch – less endoscopic procedure by Dr. Anand Kavi. He could walk pain free the same evening, he went back to US after a months rest at home and started working.

Dr. Anand Kavi is a specialist Endoscopic spine surgeon and has done hundreds of these procedures with no complications, he believes in offering safe and precise solution to Back pain and sciatica and make this technique available for the masses. He believes in propagating this technique in India and abroad and has been part of teaching workshops for Orthopaedic and Neurosurgeons. He was recently demonstrated his technique in Asian congress meeting of minimally invasive spine surgeons, He is an international faculty and was invited by Neurosurgery societies in Indonesia and Philippines.